Online presence, from web 1 to web 2?

Quit a few of our customers -and prospects- are in the process of implementing new web-solutions.
Shops, portals, webpages, etc.

What are the drivers we see? Well, mainly real business-drivers, in B2B and B2C alike. It seems that the current economic climate has not only raised the awareness that costs need to be reduced, it seems it has also revived the idea that an online shop can improve business value.
Competitors are online, and our buyers (mostly marketing driven) are aware that they need to attract the audience.
As described before in the whitepapers on this blog, the audience is quickly growing and maturing!

Because of the need for control and quick updates, customer are looking to invest in technology that offers them a solution that ensures 'one data truth' for prices, marketing data and an assured relation to the logistical data.
Not many have yet identified the connection from that data for online presence, to the fact that the same data is used for physical appearances of data on brochures, flyers, catalogues, etc. (Print).

With the PIM-based solutions we offer (Product Information Management) they are well equiped for that, and it is only a matter of time for them to discover thát business value aswell.

Installing a PIM is not a small thing though, when the company has a legacy of many years, with each system holding a thusfar unrelated set of data. Putting the PIM in place, shows much data-deficiency and relationship errors.
A nasty thing, when the business user is a marketing oriented buyer, whose enthousiasm you have to contain until that PIM-complexity has been cleared.
But then ... they can start showing the value to their customers and partners, with a much easier availability of the right data for campaigns.
On top of the marketing flexibility, the company gains a lot of efficiency!


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