The battle for the “front-end” is on. Are you reaping the possible benefits?
The Battle for the "front-end" is on. Many software suppliers have used the "Portal hype" to build an all-covering and data-disclosing front-end user-layer. Will ERP-suppliers take over the front-end, will it be the growing IBM Websphere platform with a Lotus Notes implementation or will it be the much promising Open Source solution? Has Microsoft lost the battle?
In this article you can find out what business value you can derive from nowadays solutions and why businesses should embrace a clear solution-platform, following a three step approach. Frank Riedijk, Principal Consultant at Capgemini, discusses the choice and the three-step concept of Integration, Communication and Collaboration.
Click here to navigate to the download page for a copy of the Vision document.
Good posting. Thank you.
I wish you a good end of 2007 and a good year of 2008.